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When he told me the best words that i really wanna hear from his mouth

'WHY?' the first word that came out of my mouth. SURPRISE was be my first expression when he told me the secret of his heart.

Well, maybe it's too over, but i have many reasons why i must say and must act like that.
First, he is my BESTIE. Second, i've already consider him as my brother. Third, [maybe it's only my thought] he's a 'high taster'. and so many reasons that i can't tell one by one. 
But beside that, i was so really happy. :)

This is could be my confession. Honestly i was like him long before he did his confession. Yaa, i think it's been two months ago. But i won't like him if he wasn't show me his cares.
Everything he did to me was so different in my eyes, in my heart, in my mind, and in other people thought. Start from there, and my heart would 'cenat.cenut' when i was with him. Or i would feel so missy when i'm without him. And then, i was knew that my feelin' could arise because he has a different caring to me.

I don't know how about his feelin'. Did his story was same with mine or not? Did he likes me after i like him or not? Or did he trully cares and likes me before i like him or not? I don't really know. But one that surely i know and i belive that he LIKES me too, no matter how, when and where.

That was the reasons and now, i wanna tell you the moment when he told me the best words that i really wanna hear from his mouth.
What and how he says that, i think it wasn't really important to tell. But when he told that, i was SCREAM LOUD and LOUD OF LAUGH. I was so very happy because my waiting was over. I thank GOD, and then feel so amaze. How be grateful am i when he told that. The reasons why i must scream and laugh because i never had a boyfriend, i never love someone who also loves me. HE IS THE ONE! Until now, i still don't believe how lucky am i that i've got him. Got him and also his love. Got him and also his heart.
Imagine, two months i was wait and then finally, he was shows the greatest secret of his heart. So, why don't i screams, right? 

Well, if i could find the words that means better than 'I LOVE YOU' to describes my feelin' to him, i would say that. I would give it to him.
Sadly, it's still NOT! But so very sadly, that 'I LOVE YOU' is not enough to describes my feelin' to him.

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Lagu Favorit : Who Says by Selena Gomez *kembaran gue :p*

Kemaren pas lagi mau ngedonlot lagu baru di 4shared, aku nemuin lagu kembaran aku [Selena Gomez] *ngarep :p* yang judulnya Who Says.
Awal dengar sih, koq aneh yah di telinga aku, tapi pas dengar reff-nya, idiih, kayaknya artinya bagus. Lama-lama, aku dengar-dengarin terus sampe akhirnya aku jatuh cinta deh sama ni lagu.

Isinya itu bikin kita jadi ngerasa lebih PD *buat aku sih, gak tau buat kamu. mungkin gak efek :p* Bikin kita jadi merasa optimis.
Dan juga sebenarnya sih kalo menurut aku, lagu ini juga nyuruh kita buat JADI DIRI SENDIRI.
Kalo lo gak bisa bergaya kayak putri raja, yah udah, GAK USAH MAKSA. Pakelah style lo yg bikin lo nyaman.
yaah, kurang lebih kayak gitulah artinya.

Selain dari segi music dan artinya, video clip-nya juga okeh koq?
Itu juga inspired banget buat aku *kepengen punya foto + video ditempat bagus kayak gitu* dan kelihatan artistik. FOR ME yah, gak tau buat lo.

Buat siapa yang belum pernah liat VC-nya,

See ?
Bagus kan? Cantik pula, *kembaranku tuh :p*
hahahahaha :D

Kalo masih belum puas,
liat ajah lagi, lagi, lagi dan lagi !! :D

selamat menyaksikan :p

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Hai hai, :D welcome into my new blog !! :D
Yup, blog ini sebenarnya emang blog ke-2 milik TRICYLIA REINASTELLA NICOLAAS alias ICHYL, CHEEL, CHYLE, or apapun deh yang kalian kenal :p

Blog pertama aku, yang judulnya "curahan ide cheel", *jujur aja yah* aku udah gak hapal passwordnya :/ *maklum udah +tua* :p
jadi, itulah alasan mengapa blog ke-2 yang berjudul "corat coret" ini muncul. :D

Yak, sepertinya sejarah blog ini sudah cukup.

karena hari ini, uups, kemaren! *catet yah!! ><* Kamis, 18 Maret 2011 aku baru ajah dibeliin ...
jeng jeng jeng .. 
LAPTOP + MODEM ama bonyok :D *nyombong dikit :p*
Jadinya, malam ini mumpung modemnya lagi bersahabat, aku rela relain deh berinsomnia-insomniaan sama mereka (laptop+modem baru :p)

tadi sebenarnya ngantuk sih, tapi skarang udah ilang.
Jadi, yah mungkin bentar lagi ajah aku tidurnya :p
besok pagi lahh kalau perlu ! :p

kayaknya, cukup dulu deh .. :D

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